Harlequin pigeon checkerboard. Pigeon stuffed with pig’s foot and asparagus. Artichoke hearts with celery root mousseline with salsifies. Courgette and chicken cake, buckwheat tuile with parmesan asparagus and mushroom charlotte.
Opus of scallops and Norwegian coley. Scallop ballotin, tomatoes and thyme. Chicory and farmed mussel cake. Soft-boiled egg and potato mousseline with coley.
Cod loin medallion, pan-fried belly side down, cod tongue and scallops, Baby vegetable and lobster stew. Potatoes stuffied with basil-flavoured mashed potato. Red pepper cream on croûtons. Lobster sauce.
Bresse fatted chicken supreme stuffed with a medley of poultry giblets, truffles in a Chambertin stock.