Hot-smoked Salma salmon fillet Puree of celery, marinated cepes and sorrel vinaigrette


For 8 people


Hot-smoked salmon

1 kg salmon fillet

0.5 dl sugar

0.5 dl salt


Celery puree

300 g celery root (cauliflower can also be used)

100 g ratte potatoes

2 dl milk

1 dl cream

Salt and pepper


Marinated cepes

300 g cepes or other forest mushrooms

1 dl olive oil

1 dl thinly sliced shallots

0.5 dl lemon juice

Salt and pepper

0.5 dl thinly sliced parsley leaves


Sorrel vinaigrette

2 dl sorrel or possibly lemon-sprinkled spinach leaves

0.25 dl cider vinegar

2 dl sunflower oil

Salt and pepper


Equipment required

Smoking oven

2 T. wood chips for food smoking


Remove the skin from the fillet along with the brown parts of the flesh. Slice into 8 portions. Place in the salt and sugar mixture and leave to marinate for 10 min. Rinse in cold water, and sponge down with absorbent paper.

Arrange the wood pellets in the bottom of the oven. Place the fillet on the rack, and set at maximum heat. Switch off after 3 minutes, but leave the fish in the oven. The salmon is best when cooked to medium rare, in other words slightly raw in the centre.


Celery puree

Peel the vegetables, and cut into pieces. Cook for 20 min in a mixture of milk and water until tender. Empty the liquid, and blend the vegetables with the cream to obtain a nice puree. Season with salt and pepper. Keep the puree hot.


Marinated cepes

Wash the cepes, and cut into strips around 1 cm thick. Heat the oil, and fry the cepes until the water evaporates. Add the shallots, and sweat. Season with salt and pepper. Add the lemon juice, and leave to cool. Add the parsley just before serving.


Sorrel vinaigrette

Blend the sorrel, vinegar and oil to obtain a green sauce. Season with salt and pepper.

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