Liquorice and dried red fruit flavours

Ingredients for 1 serving

Creamy liquorice

  • 5.5 g salted liquorice powder
  • 40 g sugar
  • 250 g cream
  • 5 g Valrhona white chocolate
  • 2 g sheet gelatine softened in cold water

Jelly, siphon and sparkling granita of dried red fruit

  • 250 g water
  • 55 g sugar
  • 20 g dried cranberries
  • 20 g dried raspberries
  • 20 g dried blackberries
  • 10 g lemon juice
  • 3 g sheet gelatine softened in cold water
  • Liquid nitrogen

Fresh Herbs close in flavour to liquorice

  • Anise hyssop
  • Dill
  • Chervil
  • Tarragon

Other possible garnishes

  • Little pieces of salted liquorice
  • Dried red fruit
  • Skyr (creamy Icelandic yoghurt)
  • Strands of isomalt


Heat the liquorice powder with the sugar in the cream to 70 °C. Add the chocolate and the gelatine. Pour into a soup dish and chill for three hours.


Heat the water with the sugar and the berries and leave to soak thoroughly.  Strain and add the gelatine and the lemon juice to the liquid.  Cover the liquorice cream with a thin layer of the red fruit jelly. Place the rest in a siphon, shake well and chill.


Use the liquid nitrogen to “cook” the mixture in the siphon. Break the resulting granita into small pieces and place them on the plates.


Sprinkle with a few dried red fruits and herbs.

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